Microsoft Tech Support Scam – 855-580-0700


I am writing this quick but hopefully informative blog about a very common Microsoft Windows support scam. Microsoft support scams are usually executed when an unsuspecting internet user (mostly elderly) believes a pop up stating that their PC is vulnerable to “hackers”, or running out of space, and needs to be fixed.
I won’t go into all the possible scenarios, but you get the idea.

About a month ago I was referred to a distant older cousin by an aunt that stated she is having computer issues and that she paid “Microsoft” to fix it remotely. My aunt, who almost fell for this trick a year prior before I stopped it mid scam, recalled her similar incident and looped me in to assist.
Unfortunately, this family member already fell for the scam and paid money to the scammers.
After performing a deep analysis remotely on the victim’s computer, I gathered that the scammers installed SupRemo, CCleaner, and added their phone number to the taskbar. SupRemo is a legitimate remote administration software that allows the scammers to access a victim’s computer remotely and resolve the fake issue and CC cleaner is a useful Windows utility that can clean up files and remove programs. I believe that the scammers installed CCleaner to make the operation look legitimate so that even the average user might not question it.

I feel that I’m typing too much, this wasn’t supposed to be a deep dive.

Hopefully, you didn’t fall for this scam, but if you did here is how to remove SupRemo.

The application is fairly easy to remove however, there are a couple of steps.

The scammers most likely installed the windows service, so to uninstall the service click the Supremo icon.>>
Icon image

To remove the service :

Click Tools > Then in Service Tab take note of the path and uninstall the service :

Then delete the folder/files here: C:\Program Files(x86)\Supremo\ or C:\Program Files\Supremo\ Also don’t forget to Uninstall CCleaner from Control Panel >programs and features > uninstall a program.

The main reason why I wrote this blog was that while searching the Toll-Free number ( 1- 855-580-0700 ), there were no results. Some of these scams are also promoted via Google ads on the top of  the search results, making them appear legitimate. Hopefully, I can help or inform some unsuspecting victims. I would also advise if you fell for this scam to report the chargers and replace your credit card. Also since more people than ever before are working from home due to Covid-19, this threat may become more prevalent.
If you have any questions be sure to leave a comment or use the contact page to reach out to me.

Here is an interesting article I came across recently in regards to an almost identical scam… Court documents expose how tech support scammers operate.

Information from Microsoft: Protect yourself from tech support scams